Most Requested
The School of General Studies of Columbia University is the finest liberal arts college in the United States created specifically for returning and nontraditional students seeking a rigorous, traditional, Ivy League undergraduate degree full or part time.
Postbac Premed Program
The Columbia University Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program is the oldest and largest program of its kind in the United States.
With an internationally-recognized faculty, Columbia's commitment to postbaccalaureate premedical and prehealth students is proven by a placement rate of up to 90 percent of our graduates in American medical schools.
Educational Financing
Students at the School of General Studies may be eligible to receive scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study. Financial aid may come from GS, federal and state governments, or private sources.
The GS Office of Educational Financing, located in 408 Lewisohn, administers all financial aid for GS students, including institutional, federal, and state aid.
Please note that the School of General Studies does not meet the full demonstrated financial need of all students.