Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Columbia University is the institutional home that comprises faculty from the social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences. All undergraduate liberal arts courses are taught by members of the Columbia University Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences includes five schools: Columbia College, the School of General Studies, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the School of the Arts, and the School of Professional Studies, as well as numerous institutes and centers.
University Administration
Katrina Armstrong
Interim President of the University
Angela V. Olinto
Provost of the University
Professor of Astronomy and of Physics
Amy Hungerford
Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The undergraduate curriculum at the School of General Studies is created and reviewed by the Columbia University Faculty of the Arts and Sciences through a set of committees common to both Columbia College and GS. Each committee is composed of faculty, administrators, and students from both schools.
Academic Committees
The Joint Committee on Instruction reviews and approves all changes to School of General Studies and Columbia College curriculum and academic policies, including courses, programs, majors, and concentrations. Co-chaired by the Dean of the School of General Studies and the Dean of Columbia College, the COI consists of six to eight appointed faculty members, two student representatives from each school, and administrators from each school. The School of the Arts, Barnard College, and the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences appoint representatives to the COI as well. Questions about the COI may be directed to [email protected].
The Committee on the Core is responsible for all matters regarding the Columbia Core Curriculum. The COC is composed of faculty and administrators, as well as a student representative from both CC and GS. Questions about the COC may be addressed to Toni Gunthorpe-Harding.
The Committee on the Global Core is responsible for all matters relating to the Global Core requirement, including determining which courses are approved to fulfill the requirement. The CGC is composed of faculty and administrators, together with a student representative from both CC and GS. Questions about the CGC may be addressed to [email protected].
The Committee on Science Instruction is responsible for all matters relating to the science requirement and for providing leadership on matters related to undergraduate science education. COSI is composed of faculty from the Columbia science departments and administrators, together with a student representative from CC and GS.
The Educational Policy and Planning Committee coordinates educational policy across the schools that make up Arts and Sciences. Each semester, the EPPC sets its agenda in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Arts and Sciences, and summarizes the results of its deliberations to the faculty. The EPPC is advisory to the Executive Committee and also collaborates closely with the Policy and Planning Committee (PPC). The EPPC is composed of faculty, administrators, and a student representative from CC, GS, and GSAS. Questions about the EPPC may be addressed to Rose Razaghian.
The Committee on Academic Standing enforces the academic policies of the School and handles administrative and disciplinary matters related to students within the School of General Studies, including students in the Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program. The Committee, chaired by the Associate Dean of Students, consists of the undergraduate and postbaccalaureate advising deans. Three broad categories of cases are reviewed by the Committee on Academic Standing:
- Student Petitions: for re-enrollment; incompletes on coursework, including deferred exams; exceptions to the rules; or other special petitions requiring approval of the CAS
- Academic review of student records at the end of each term, with action taken on all unsatisfactory records
- Reports on student status (e.g., leaves of absences, withdrawals, study abroad, etc.)
The Committee is guided by the rules and policies of the School of General Studies, informed by University-wide standards as well as precedent, in reaching its decisions. Appeals to decisions of the Committee that pertain to special petitions or administrative matters should be made to the Dean of Students; appeals to the Committee's decisions to suspend or dismiss a student should be made to the Dean of the School of General Studies. All appeals must be submitted in writing no later than two weeks after official notification of the decision.