Tutoring & Coaching

The ARC offers free peer-led tutoring to help all GS students approach their coursework with confidence. Wherever you are on the road to mastery — whether you're confused by one or two concepts, feeling overwhelmed by a class, or looking to move from "pretty good" to "great" — our tutors and coaches are here to help.

Appointments for the spring 2025 semester will be available beginning Monday, February 3. Booking will open Friday, January 31 at 3 p.m.

Make an Appointment


Current Subjects:

  • Pre-Calculus
  • Calculus I & III
  • Introduction to Statistics (with and without calculus)
  • Linear Algebra
  • Principles of Economics
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • Intermediate Microeconomics
  • Econometrics
  • French
  • Spanish
  • General Physics I & II
  • General Chemistry I & II
  • Organic Chemistry I & II
  • Biology I & II

Tutor-led study groups provide the opportunity to increase mastery of course material in a facilitated, group-learning environment. Peer tutors lead groups through review of key concepts, and provide opportunities to hone problem-solving skills. Above all, these groups are designed to provide the opportunity for students to teach and learn from one another, recognizing that a student's peers at Columbia are one of the most valuable resources available.

Tutor-led study groups are especially helpful for students who have a good general understanding of a subject but are struggling with particulars. They're also a great opportunity to increase mastery in a subject where a student is already feeling confident.

Make an Appointment


Walk-in tutoring is a chance to ask quick questions and get quick answers, and an opportunity to access support when you need it without scheduling an appointment.  Walk-in questions are answered on a first-come, first-served basis and are limited to ten minutes if other students are waiting. During busy times, students may return to the queue as many times as they like within a scheduled walk-in session, and continue working independently while they wait.

Reading and Argument Coaching

Speaking the language of a text doesn't always guarantee you'll understand what it says. And even when you do understand what it says, that doesn't necessarily mean you know how to craft an argument in response. The ARC's reading and argument coaches are trained peer facilitators who can help students make sense of what they're looking at and come up with a plan for what to do with it—without doing the work for them, and while respecting the Columbia University Code of Honor

Reading and argument coaches can help students:

  • Learn to pre-read more effectively
  • Learn to identify the different types of demands made by different types of texts (i.e., how to approach a textbook versus a literary text versus a critical article)
  • Learn to efficiently manage large volumes of text
  • Learn to critically approach a text about which you will be writing a paper
  • Better understand what makes a good argument, and how to make a good argument

STEM Coaching

There is a science to learning science (and math) at high levels. Columbia teaches math and science at the highest of levels, and the learning curve—for mastering the content and the necessary learning strategies—can be steep. The ARC STEM coaches are trained peer facilitators who can help students optimize their study practice and navigate science coursework with confidence. 

STEM coaches can help students:

  • Understand the pedagogy behind problem-based learning in STEM disciplines
  • Identify learning strategies appropriate to the courses and learning contexts they are navigating
  • Learn to approach problem sets and other homework assignments iteratively and through multiple engagements
  • Refresh foundational concepts underpinning science courses designed for non-science majors

Appointment Policies

Appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis through our online scheduling system. Each session lasts 50 minutes. Appointments are conducted in pairs (two students per tutor) for math and science courses, and one-on-one for foreign languages and economics tutoring and for reading and argument coaching. For paired appointments, the first student to register for the appointment chooses the course and professor; any student enrolled in the same course can sign up for the second slot. Each student is permitted up to two traditional tutoring appointments per week and one coaching appointment. (Use of group tutoring and walk-in tutoring hours do not count towards the appointment allowance).

To help everyone get the most out of this resource, we ask that students do the following:

  • Arrive on time and be prepared with relevant notes, textbooks, assignments, and specific questions and goals for the session
  • Provide their tutor or coach with a copy of the course syllabus
  • Actively engage in each session—ask questions, take notes, and take charge

Students who are unable to make their appointment must cancel at least 12 hours in advance. Students who miss three scheduled appointments (either by not showing up or by canceling with less than 12 hours notice) may lose access to tutoring and coaching for the semester.

Please note that it is the ARC’s policy not to go over homework problems and writing assignments during peer-led sessions. Instead, tutors and STEM coaches will review concepts and provide practice problems that are similar to those commonly assigned as homework and on exams.  Argument cCoaches will provide support with pre-writing activities such as thesis development, evidence selection, and outlining, but will not review written drafts.

Join Our Team

The Academic Resource Center is always looking for strong candidates for tutoring and coaching positions. Responsibilities and benefits include:

  • Providing academic support to students in specific subject areas, both individually and in pairs
  • Assisting students in developing good learning strategies and habits
  • Facilitating larger recitation-style review groups
  • Helping alert GS students to additional resources available to them, such as Individual Consultations and ARC workshops
  • Increasing personal mastery of subjects tutored
  • Gaining valuable professional development through regular training and close contact with ARC

For more information and to apply: ARC Tutoring Application