Fellowship Opportunities
These opportunities are tenable during your undergraduate career (such as study abroad, summer internships, fellowships, and scholarships), as well as post-graduation, with opportunities ranging from graduate school and long-term internships to working abroad.
Upcoming Fellowship Events
Fellowships 101: Understanding the Process & Finding Programs
Undergraduate Research Symposium
Fellowships News
Q&A with Mariclaire Joseph ‘23GS, Cecil Corbin-Mark Fellow
Mariclaire Joseph ‘23GS shares how field work, community engagement, and her time at GS have shaped her environmental advocacy.
Columbia GS Student Receives 2023-24 Social Justice Mini-Grant
Irene Ailin Wang ‘25GS, an accomplished artist and committed advocate for gender equity, is the third consecutive GS student to be awarded a Mini-Grant.
Q&A with Kraft Global Fellow Celeste Abourjeili ‘24GS
A Sciences Po Dual BA student, Abourjeili shares her experience traveling to Jordan as part of a Columbia interfaith research cohort.
Contact Us
The GS Fellowships Office works collaboratively with the Undergraduate Research & Fellowships office to give you as much help with your applications as you wish to receive. We make a point of listening with an open mind and of helping our students pursue just those fellowship opportunities that are right for them.