Educational Financing Counseling

The Office of Educational Financing is the primary source of financial aid counseling for students at the School of General Studies. Students who seek financial aid counseling, veteran education benefits counseling, and other aid-related topics are asked to make an appointment online.

Counseling Appointments

The Office of Educational Financing dedicates time each weekday morning and afternoon for student counselors appointments, which are limited to 30 minutes in length. 

Counseling appointments are typically meant for in-depth educational financing counseling, veteran benefits, and long-term planning. These appointments are usually the best way for a student to start planning the process for managing Columbia educational costs.

Examples of topics to discus with a counselor:

  • Does my aid change if I change my enrollment level?
  • How will getting married/divorced affect my educational financing?
  • My employment status is changing – what are my options?
  • I’ve experienced a significant change in my financial situation
  • Understanding indirect expenses vs. costs
  • Questions about outstanding documents
  • Parental/non-custodial waivers

Schedule an Appointment

We recommend students review outstanding financial aid materials in the Online Financial Aid System prior to meeting with a counselor.

Newly Admitted Students

Newly admitted students who have not yet accepted their offer of admission or submitted their tuition deposit can schedule a Newly Admitted Student Appointment.

Current Students

Current students and incoming students who have accepted their offer of admission should schedule their appointments via the Columbia GS Student Success Portal.

If you have not been assigned an Educational Financing counselor and are trying to schedule an appointment, please contact our office. 

[email protected]
(212) 854-5410