Village Health Works now employs more than 700 people and serves a catchment area of over 200,000 people with the goal of removing barriers to human dignity and progress by creating a model health care system and education based on critical thinking. Village Health Works has built a 150-bed teaching and research hospital, The Kigutu Hospital and Women’s Health Pavilion, and a boarding school, the Kigutu International Academy. It also supports a public school for children from pre-K to the end of high school. Village Health Works has created a holistic approach that goes beyond healthcare and education and includes an economic development program, food security, and music and the arts.
A frequent lecturer on global health, Deo is the recipient of multiple prestigious awards, including the Carnegie Foundation of New York as the 2016 Great Immigrant: The Pride of America, the 2016 Presidential Medal: Amitiés des Peuples (Burundi), the 2014 Dalai Lama Unsung Hero of Compassion Award, the 2013 People to People International’s Eisenhower Medallion Award, a 2015 honorary degree from Arcadia University, a 2013 honorary degree from Williams College, the 2011 International Medal Award of St. John’s University, the 2010 Women’s Refugee Commission’s Voices of Courage Award, and the Otis Social Justice Award presented by Wheaton College in 2014. In 2014 Deo was invited by Dennis M. Hanno to give a keynote address at Hanno’s inauguration as Wheaton’s eighth president. Deo will be receiving an honorary degree from Wheaton in May 2022.
About Columbia University School of General Studies
The Columbia University School of General Studies (GS), founded in 1947, is the premier liberal arts college in the United States for nontraditional students seeking a traditional undergraduate Ivy League education. GS students take the same courses, study with the same faculty, and earn the same degree as all undergraduates at Columbia University.